Baking Soda Science Experiment

June 4, 2020

Exploring different activities using science today. This baking soda science experiment for toddlers is a great way to introduce different reactions and explosions of colors. They will use their fine motor skills to grasp the liquid droppers and have a blast watching all the different colors appear.

What Do You Need For This Activity?

You don’t need much to do this baking soda science experiment at home with your toddler. All you need is baking soda, vinegar, food coloring, liquid droppers, and a tray or bin to put it in!

  1. Baking soda
  2. Vinegar
  3. Liquid Droppers
  4. Food Coloring
  5. Tray or Bin

What Is My Child Learning With This Experiment?

During this simple activity there actually is a lot going on! Some things your child may be learning are:

  • Senses (Using their eyes to see the colors, hands to feel different textures, and nose to smell the vinegar, and ears to hear the fizzing of the vinegar and baking soda).
  • Fine Motor Skills (Using the pincer grasp to hold the liquid droppers and transfer it to the tray).
  • Problem Solving Skills (How to figure out where to place the vinegar so the colors show up, and how to use the liquid dropper).
  • Eye Hand Coordination (Very carefully using the dropper to transfer back and forth from the tray to the bowl of vinegar and placing the dropper on the dots of color).
  • Color Recognition (Recognizing all the different colors and mixture of colors that form).
  • Patience (Patiently waiting for the liquid dropper to fill up before transferring it to the tray. Waiting for the colors to pop up after the vinegar hits the baking soda).

What To Talk About During This Experiment

There are many things you can discuss with your toddler during this activity together.

  1. What colors do you see? Do you see any colors that are mixing together? Whats your favorite color?
  2. What is the vinegar doing to the baking soda? It it fizzy or slimy?
  3. What does the vinegar and baking soda feel like? Is it wet or dry? Hard or soft? Slimy or rough?

Other Fun Colorful Activities For Toddlers

Materials + Directions For This Baking Soda Science Experiment

Materials List


  1. Pour an even layer of baking soda on the bottom of the tray.
  2. Drop many different colors of food coloring all over the baking soda.
  3. Get a small bowl and add the vinegar to it and set next to the tray of baking soda.
  4. Have you toddler practice squeezing the dropper of vinegar and transfer it to the tray and watch as the colors fizz up!
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