sensory bin ideas


Washing Pumpkins Station

This washing pumpkins station is a great activity for rainy days and is just as exciting to do outdoors! We love sensory bins in our home and this foamy soap recipe added a more exciting feel to the activity. Sensory bins offer so many skill-building opportunities to further development and are so much fun for toddlers and preschoolers. How To Make Foamy Soap You only need 3 things to create this foamy soap and I got the idea from Mother...

Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin

This week is going to be a color-themed week at our house. My toddlers are showing interest in learning their colors so it was a perfect opportunity to start this week off with a rainbow rice sensory bin. This bright and colorful, taste safe activity is great for toddlers and they love scooping and pouring all the wonderful little grains of rice. What Do I Need To Make Rainbow Rice? This simple activity is so easy to make with little...